9 Feng Shui Dos and Don'ts for Your Living Room - CHITA LIVING

9 Feng Shui Dos and Don'ts for Your Living Room


  1. What is Feng Shui?
  2. Clear Clutter to Allow Smooth Chi Flow
  3. Open Your Windows Daily for Fresh Chi
  4. Add an Aquarium or Tabletop Fountain
  5. Arrange Furniture to Allow Open Movement
  6. Use Warm, Inviting Paint Colors
  7. Don't Hang Sharp Objects Like Swords on the Wall
  8. Don't Block the Front Door or Entryway
  9. Don't Have Your Back to the Entryway When Sitting
  10. Don't Display Distressing Art or Imagery
  11. Conclusion

Your living room is the heart of your home - a space to relax, entertain guests, and spend quality time with family. Optimizing the Feng Shui in this important room can help promote positive energy flow and create a welcoming atmosphere. Follow these 9 dos and don'ts to enhance the Feng Shui in your living space.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice focused on arranging your environment in harmony and balance to allow optimal "chi" or energy flow. The living room is particularly important according to Feng Shui principles, as it is often the first room guests see upon entering your home. By making smart design choices, you can strengthen the Feng Shui of this space to promote relaxation, abundance, and good chi throughout the rest of your home.

Clear Clutter to Allow Smooth Chi Flow

Clutter is the enemy of good Feng Shui. It blocks and traps energy, preventing chi from circulating freely throughout the room. Regularly clear clutter like stacks of magazines, overflowing toy baskets, and unnecessary furniture. Edit down to keep only meaningful, loved items on display. A minimalist, decluttered space allows chi to flow smoothly.

Create a clean space layout to avoid clutter. 


Open Your Windows Daily for Fresh Chi

Allowing natural light and fresh air to flow into your living room is key for strong, positive chi. Open blinds, curtains, and windows each morning to let sunlight and air circulate. You can also bring the outdoors in with potted plants, flowers, and other greenery. Fresh chi vitalizes the energy in the room.

Add an Aquarium or Tabletop Fountain

Gentle water elements like an aquarium or tabletop fountain are excellent Feng Shui for living rooms. Water represents wealth and abundance in Feng Shui, and the tranquil sound of flowing water promotes relaxation. Position a small fountain or tank in the wealth corner of the room to activate financial flow.

Arrange Furniture to Allow Open Movement

When arranging furniture, leave open walkways so chi can circulate freely. The living room is meant for relaxing and socializing, so avoid cramping it with too many large pieces. Leave space between furniture to open movement around the room.

Leave enough room for a walkway.


Use Warm, Inviting Paint Colors

Color choice impacts energy. Warm hues like reds, oranges, and yellows energize, while blues create a calming effect. Pick colors that promote the function of your living room, like tranquil blues for relaxation or a vibrant accent wall. Avoid cold colors like greys.

Brown Henry Accent Chair adds the warm vibe to the living room.


Don't Hang Sharp Objects Like Swords on the Wall

Sharp objects like swords, daggers, spears, and hunting trophies create abrasive sha chi cutting through your living room. Their sharp edges slice the energy flow, and violent imagery disturbs the peaceful atmosphere. Use rounded art and decor instead for smooth, gentle chi.

Don't Block the Front Door or Entryway

The entryway to your living room is crucial in Feng Shui. Never block this pathway by placing furniture, shelves, coat racks, or decor before the door. This creates an obstructed entrance that prevents positive energy from flowing in. Always keep the entryway open and inviting.

Don't Have Your Back to the Entryway When Sitting

Where you position your main sitting area is important in Feng Shui. Never have your back to the entryway; this closes off the energy flow. Face chairs, couches, and TVs toward the door so you have a full view. This enhances the welcoming energy.

Don't Display Distressing Art or Imagery

Even art choice matters for optimal Feng Shui. Avoid displaying artwork or decor with violent, unsettling, or overly dramatic imagery. This disturbs the peaceful atmosphere you want to cultivate in your living room. Promote tranquility with positive, uplifting images instead.


With a few simple Feng Shui principles, you can easily transform the energy in your living room. Follow these 9 dos and don'ts to allow positive chi to flow freely. Open up clutter, let in light and air, position furniture thoughtfully, and use supportive colors and decor. Soon, your living room will become your favorite relaxing space in harmony.

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