Should Dogs Be Allowed on Your New Sectional Sofa? - CHITA LIVING

Should Dogs Be Allowed on Your New Sectional Sofa?


  1. Factors to Consider Before Allowing Dogs on New Sectional Sofas
  2. Potential Issues to Consider if Dogs Allowed on Sectional Sofas
  3. Tips for Safely Allowing Your Dog on Sectional Sofas
  4. Consider a Pet-Friendly Sectional Sofa
  5. Conclusion

You just invested in a beautiful new sectional sofa for your living room. The cushy cushions and smooth upholstery provide the perfect spot for lounging and movie nights. But there's one family member eyeing up your new furniture - your dog. Should you allow your furry friend to join you on those cozy cushions? There are many things to consider when deciding if dogs and sectional sofas mix.

Factors to Consider Before Allowing Dogs on New Sectional Sofas

Determining if your canine companion should be granted access to your new sectional sofa depends on carefully evaluating multiple factors related to your dog, the furniture itself, and your own practices as a pet owner.

Dog Traits

The temperament, training, age, and size of your individual dog are key considerations, including:

  • Obedience Training: Dogs who have been taught basic commands and undergone behavioral training are less inclined to exhibit unwanted actions like jumping on the sofa without permission, aggressive territorial behavior, inappropriate chewing or scratching, or accidents. Well-trained dogs will better respect the rules and restrictions you establish for sectional access.
  • Age and Energy Level: High-energy puppies and adolescent dogs are more likely to get over-exuberant and play a bit too roughly on furniture compared to mature adult dogs. Calmer senior dogs generally pose fewer risks. Limit unsupervised access for rambunctious young pets.
  • Size: Extra large and giant breeds should be monitored closely as their heavier weight and strength make it easier to unintentionally damage upholstery and frames. Small and medium-sized dogs can usually enjoy sectionals safely with less risk of wear and tear from body pressure.
  • Temperament: Nervous, anxious, or excitable dogs may exhibit destructive chewing habits or urination accidents on the sofa. Confident, even-tempered dogs are typically less likely to show these undesirable behaviors.
Kenna 3-piece Modular Sofa

    Sectional Sofa Attributes

    The specific features and quality of your sectional sofa impact its durability and dog-friendliness:

    • Performance Fabric: Fabrics engineered specifically for durability against pets, stains, and heavy use are ideal options. These high-tech performance fabrics are abrasion-resistant and enable easy cleaning.
    • Upholstery Fabric: Tightly woven fabrics like microfiber or leather/vinyl are very resilient to pet claws, fur, stains, and minor damage. More delicate upholstery like silk, velvet, or loose knits are prone to pulls and tearing.
    • Washability: Being able to remove and machine wash cushion covers makes cleaning up dirt, hair, and odors much simpler. Avoid upholstery that can only be spot-cleaned.
    • Frame Construction: Sectional sofas with kiln-dried hardwood frames and sturdy joint construction are more resistant to being distorted out of shape by pets repeatedly jumping on and off the cushions.
    • Seam Strength: Higher stitch count and reinforced joining seams prevent weak points vulnerable to splitting open from the motions of an active dog. This includes box-stitched cushions.
    @livingitcountry's cute little beagle is sleeping on the Kenna Modular Sofa

      Owner Supervision & Care

      Conscientious pet owners can take steps to allow sectional access while preventing issues:

      • Monitoring: Directly supervise dogs anytime they are on the sofa. This allows immediate intervention for unwanted digging, scratching, chewing, or accidents. Don't allow unsupervised access.
      • House Training: A dog lacking solid house training is more apt to urinate from excitement. Reinforce training until accident-free for months before sectional access.
      • Barriers: Washable slipcovers or blankets over key dog areas protect upholstery. They contain mess, hair, and oils.
      • Cleaning Diligence: Frequently vacuum up pet hair and debris between deeper cleanings. Immediately spot-treat stains and clean accidents to avoid permanent settings.

      Potential Issues to Consider if Dogs Allowed on Sectional Sofas

      While allowing dogs on your sectional can enrich their lives and your bond, there are some potential drawbacks to keep in mind:


      Dogs' nails, teeth, and chewing instincts can damage upholstery and seams if roughhousing on the sofa. Excessive scratching and biting of the sofa can also occur without proper training.

      Stains and Odors

      Hair shedding, body oils, and shedding can leave hair and residue behind on the sofa. Urine, feces, or vomiting accidents also pose a risk for stains and odors if prompt cleaning doesn't occur.

      Excess Hair and Dander

      Dog hair and dander tend to collect quickly in upholstery fabrics. This can lead to the sofa having increased pet odors.

      Upholstery Stress

      The repeated impact from dogs jumping on and off the sofa can weaken cushions, frames, and stitching over time. Dog's bodies can also flatten and compress cushions.

      Tips for Safely Allowing Your Dog on Sectional Sofas

      Implementing some simple guidelines and dog training can allow your furry friend to enjoy sectional sofa access while avoiding excessive risks and damage. Useful tips include:

      • Start with Limited Access: Only allow your dog on the sectional when you are present to supervise. Restrict access to one cushion or side of the sectional to begin, rather than a full run of the sofa. This prevents your dog from developing territorial behavior over the entire sofa. Reward calm and settled behavior in their designated sectional area with treats, praise, or pets.
      • Use Removable Covers: Placing machine-washable throws, comforters, or slipcovers over key dog access areas creates a protective barrier against messes, oils, and scratching. The covers can be removed and laundered to eliminate odors, hair, and stains. Replace covers with clean spares while washing.
      Kenna Modular Sofa Collection use the removable covers design, and the fabric is pet-friendly and easy to clean.
      • Train "Off" Command: Actively train your dog to promptly get off the sofa on command. This limits how long they remain on the furniture and helps prevent territorial behavior or resistance to getting off. Reward them for quickly jumping off the sofa on cue with treats and affection.
      • Provide Appealing Dog Beds: Giving your pet very comfortable, supportive orthopedic, and plush dog beds makes them less inclined to lounge on the sofa instead. Place the beds strategically near the sofa to encourage dogs to use their own designated spot.
      • Brush Frequently: Regularly brushing your dog with a slicker brush helps remove loose fur and reduce the amount of hair shed on the sofa. Brush more often during seasonal shedding periods. Wipe the brush onto a towel rather than directly onto the floor.
      • Vacuum and Spot Clean Often: Use a handheld or multi-surface vacuum attachment designed for picking up pet hair to frequently remove fur, dander, and debris from the sectional's fabric. Immediately spot-clean any stains or accidents with an appropriate cleaner to prevent odors and permanent setting into the upholstery.
      • Restrict Eating and Chewing: Do not allow dogs to eat or chew any items like bones, bully sticks, or toys while on the sofa. Crumbs and debris can lead to abrasions in fabric. Supervise chewing at all times.
      • Maintain Nails: Keep your dog's nails neatly trimmed to minimize potential scratches to the upholstery from jumping on and off or pawing. File down any sharp nail points.
      • Enforce the Rules: Be very consistent in training the guidelines and restrictions for sectional access. Dogs thrive on structure and consistency. Verbally correct or use brief timeouts for rule-breaking. Reward good behavior.

      Consider a Pet-Friendly Sectional Sofa

      Tired of pet hair and stains ruining your furniture? Josie Performance Boucle 4-Piece Modular Sectional is the perfect pet-friendly sectional that takes lounging with your furry friends to the next level.

      With a versatile modular design, the Josie seamlessly transforms your space with multiple configurations to suit your needs. The clever folded armrests add a touch of flair while providing a cozy place to relax your arms. Sink into the plush feather-filled cushions padded with a soft fiber blend on seats that offer incredible comfort and support.

      The Josie is tailored for everyday life with pets. The performance boucle fabric is stain, water and scratch resistant so you can simply wipe away fur and minor messes. No more pet odors or sticky residues lingering. Just spotless, cushy comfort every time!

      Bring stylish, pet-proof durability home with the Josie Modular Sectional. With unbeatable versatility, soft fillings and family-friendly performance fabric, this sectional is designed for both human and furry family members alike.


      At the end of the day, the choice of whether to allow your dog on your new sectional sofa is an individual decision based on your specific needs. If your dog will be on the furniture frequently, purchasing a sturdy pet-friendly sectional sofa, like the Kenna 3-Piece Modular Sofa from CHITALIVING is a smart option.

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